Buy direct from the grower and save money! 719-947-3090 - Avondale Farm | 719-577-4706 - Colorado Springs Office

Residential & Commercial Plant & Shrub Sales

Plants and shrubs are a great way to enhance the landscaping of any home or business. We have a huge selection of wholesale plants and shrubs available for large projects and affordable options for smaller landscaping needs. Save money right from the grower with our complete service including delivery throughout Colorado. Achieve a unique landscape with a variety of flowering shrubs, perennial grasses and plants from Continental Tree Farms.

Plants & Shrubs for Sale in Colorado

Plants and shrubs are a great way to enhance the landscaping of any home or business. We have a huge selection of wholesale plants and shrubs available for large projects and affordable options for smaller landscaping needs. Save money right from the grower with our complete service including delivery throughout Colorado. Achieve a unique landscape with a variety of flowering shrubs, perennial grasses and plants from Continental Tree Farms.